The participating countries had pledged to buy 150 of the planes each and delivery is expected in 2012. The largest other order before the Saudi deal was an Austrian purchase of 18 planes.
The major criticism over the plane was the practicalities of its use. It is intended to battle opposing top range fighter planes and the project began before the end of the cold war when the arms race with the USSR was still in progress. It was designed to fight the latest Russian MIG, not insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq against whom it is completely useless.
Whilst the Saudi government has spent plenty of the Ummah’s oil money, on waste and extravagance it should be reassuring that they are finally spending on things that this Ummah really needs.
But the timing is not just questionable, it is obscene. Israeli bombing over the last month killed more than a thousand Lebanese civilians and the Saudi regime eventually issued a condemnation but no more. Saudi certainly did not use any of its previous military purchases to defend Lebanese civilians. Meanwhile, weapons were shipped to Israel, via the United Kingdom, to facilitate the Israelis on their barbaric rampage. It begs the question why do they spend so much on arms that they have no intention of using?
Looking further back, when Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait in 1990 and Saudi felt threatened, they invited the whole world to stage a war against Iraq from Saudi soil. Once again Saudi did not use any of its previous military purchases.
In fact, it would be hard to find an example of the Saudi military having been active in any military arena at all except for defending the Saudi Royal family personally or the occasional parade.
Tony Blair has made it very clear that he considers Israel to be Britain’s closest ally in the region and their struggle against their neighbours to be a just struggle. His government also feels comfortable selling Saudi Arabia 72 of the best fighter planes in the world.
The Saudi government doesn’t really need these planes. They don’t defend themselves, they are defended by Western powers in the region. Neither do they intervene when their mothers and daughters are slaughtered in Lebanon or Iraq. These jets will be polished in their hangers and used for training, but will never see combat.
It helps the British economy and arms industry much more than it will help the Saudi military. Jobs will be sustained, and billions of dollars will be available to pursue the research and development of new weapons, which could be used for Britain’s next invasion. The British government can do all of this, safe in the knowledge that they have sold the planes to a regime that won’t use them keeping their friends in Israel safe.
It is unacceptable that Saudi spends billions of the Ummah’s money on arms yet they are never used when Muslims are attacked. Its high time that the people establish a government that will use its money and military appropriately.
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Guardian: The secret Whitehall telegram that reveals truth behind controversial Saudi arms deal
Western Intervention
Saturday, 28 October 2006
The Guardian
David Leigh and Rob Evans
· Document shows Riyadh paid £600m extra for jets
· Evidence points to corrupt payments in 1985 contract
The government was yesterday scrambling to recover secret documents containing evidence suggesting corrupt payments were made in Britain's biggest arms deal. The documents, published in full today by the Guardian, detail for the first time how the price of Tornado warplanes was inflated by £600m in the 1985 Al Yamamah deal with Saudi Arabia.
A telegram with the details from the head of the Ministry of Defence's sales unit had been placed in the National Archives. Yesterday it was hastily withdrawn by officials who claimed its release had been "a mistake".
Sir Colin Chandler's telegram was sent from Riyadh, where he was arranging the sale of 72 Tornados and 30 Hawk warplanes on behalf of the British arms firm BAE. It revealed that their cost had been inflated by nearly a third in a deal with Saudi defence minister Prince Sultan.
Sultan, who is crown prince, "has a corrupt interest in all contracts", according to a dispatch from the then British ambassador Willie Morris published in a recent Commons committee report. An accompanying Ministry of Defence briefing paper prepared for the then prime minister Margaret Thatcher describes Prince Sultan as "not highly intelligent ... He has prejudices, is inflexible and imperious, and drives a hard bargain". The Al Yamamah deal, worth £43bn in total, has long been the subject of allegations of secret commissions to Lady Thatcher's son Mark, and to several members of the Saudi royal family. All those involved have always denied the allegations.
The telegram from Sir Colin, now the head of budget airline easyJet, was unearthed by Nicholas Gilby, an anti-arms trade campaigner. After the Guardian showed it to the Ministry of Defence, officials were dispatched to the archives in Kew, where they loaded the files into a van and returned them to Whitehall's vaults. Campaigners had already copied all the papers and are planning to publish them on the internet.
Britain's politically sensitive Al Yamamah programme is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office, which is probing corruption allegations against BAE.
The MoD documents reveal that the price of each Tornado was inflated by 32%, from £16.3m to £21.5m. It is common in arms deals for the prices of weapons to be raised so that commissions can be skimmed off the top. The £600m involved is the same amount that it was alleged at the time in Arab publications was exacted in secret commissions paid to Saudi royals and their circle of intermediaries in London and Riyadh, as the price of the deal.
Those allegations were treated with such concern in Whitehall in 1985, documents reveal, that a copy of the Arab magazine in question was immediately sent in confidence by the Foreign Office to Mrs Thatcher's chief aide at No 10, Charles Powell, with advice that officials "should simply refuse all comment". Yesterday, 20 years on, the MoD at first sought to take the same line. It insisted the Chandler telegram must have been leaked and said "we never comment on leaks". In fact, a copy was released to the National Archives on May 8 by the Department of Trade and Industry.
Mr Gilby, the researcher from the Campaign Against the Arms Trade who discovered it, said yesterday: "I was astonished when I saw the Chandler telegram. This information has been withheld by every single British government department, including the National Audit Office, for more than two decades."
Last night, the DTI said : "The files were placed in the National Archive by mistake. Successive governments have regarded the Al Yamamah agreement to be confidential. The files have now been removed." The MoD said : "We regret the fact that this material has been made public. We attach great importance to the confidentiality of the government to government Al Yamamah agreement with Saudi Arabia, and in order to protect that confidentiality we are not commenting on these papers."
Included is a copy of the original UK-Saudi memorandum of understanding, signed at Lancaster House in September 1985 by Michael Heseltine, then defence secretary, and Prince Sultan. It is marked "Royal Saudi Air Force. Secret".
The National Audit Office, recently rejecting freedom of information requests for this document, claimed release would harm international relations.
The NAO also refused to release a copy of a 1992 report on the deals, even to the police. This official memo of understanding between the two parties records the total UK-Saudi deal as being worth "£3.5bn to £4bn".
It was a misleading figure. Commissions on arms deals were theoretically illegal under Saudi law. It was within weeks of its signature that Sir Colin was in Riyadh alongside BAE executives agreeing a package in private negotiations with Prince Sultan which, he explained to London, would actually total £5bn. Once weapons, spares and training were added in to the basic price, each single Tornado would end up costing the Saudi air force more than £60m.
Nick Harvey, the Liberal Democrat defence spokesman, said yesterday: "The government must now throw light on the veracity of these allegations. There is no doubt that this will only add to the growing calls for the NAO report to be published as it should have been 14 years ago." BAE refused to comment, saying: "Al Yamamah is a contract between the governments of the UK and Saudi Arabia." Sir Colin also declined to comment.
Ian Gilmour, a Conservative minister at the time, recently confirmed bribes were common on Saudi arms deals.
Lord Gilmour told BBC2's Newsnight: "You either got the business and bribed, or you didn't bribe and didn't get the business ... If you are paying bribes to high-up people in the government, the fact that it's illegal in Saudi law doesn't mean much."
FAQ: Wheeling and dealing
What is Al-Yamamah ?
It is Britain's biggest arms deal, signed in 1985. Britain agreed to sell 72 Tornado and 30 Hawk warplanes to Saudi Arabia. The deal was renewed in 1993 when Saudis agreed to buy another batch of 48 Tornado warplanes. In a third stage to the Al-Yamamah agreement, signed last year, Britain is selling up to 72 more planes - called Typhoons - to the Saudis. The agreement, known as "the Dove" in Arabic, has kept BAE afloat for the last 20 years.
Why is it so controversial ?
Within weeks of the deal being signed in 1985, allegations of corruption surfaced. Those allegations have never gone away and are now being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. Critics say that Britain should not be selling warplanes and military equipment to a regime which is barbaric and undemocratic. They say that the British government refrains from criticising the Saudis' appalling human rights abuses, in order not to upset the arms sales.
What has Mark Thatcher to do with it?
It has been alleged that Lady Thatcher's son received secret commissions from the deal.
Read the documents (pdf)
1) Initial "Al-Yamamah" agreement signed by Britain and Saudi Arabia in September 1985 (known formally as a memorandum of understanding).
2) Telegram from Sir Colin Chandler, the then head of MOD's arms sales unit, in January 1986.
3) Briefing prepared by the Ministry of Defence for Margaret Thatcher for the Al-Yamamah deal, September 1985, containing descriptions of key Saudis.
4) Minutes of meeting between then defence secretary Michael Heseltine and Prince Sultan, in September 1985
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