The Damned and the Raised…

The Damned and the Raised…

Damned are those wretched souls that take the blood of the pure, Believing that they have died in vain. But are they sure of what they say and what they know? And in the Akhira they will be exposed and they will be shamed.

Damned are the rulers as traitors they sit on thorny thrones, Believing that their masters will pay them well. But are they sure of what they say and what they know? As the Master of the worlds will throw them in the abyss of Hell.

Damned are the scholars who remain silent as the pure blood falls, Believing that hiding the truth will save them and those who believe. But are they sure of what they hide from what they know? And in the Akhira they will perish for all they did was to deceive.

Damned are the States, in their disbelief they suppress the rise of Islam, Believing that their plots and plans will push the believers into retreat. But are they sure of what they do and what they know? The believers will not rest…And by Allah’s leave, Islam will be established, it will be complete.

Raised in the Akhira are the believers that have striven for Allah’s sake, Standing upon the Truth though the persecution was hard to bear. They were sure of what they believed and what they knew, A reminder for us, etched in our hearts, to that which is dear.

Raised are the believers efforts for all of the Ummah to witness, Their actions are not in vain but of those who did not succumb. They were sure of what they believed and what Allah promised, Their actions will shine as stars for generations to come.

Raised are the families that supported their sons and daughters in this epic struggle, The tears they bleed for their loved ones will be recompensed some time soon. They were sure of what they believed and what they supported, Paradise they will enter and from the Fire they will be immune.

Raised soon will be the Raya of Islam upon the ashes of kufr, The tyrants and their followers will flee but they will find no place to hide. Their atrocities, etched in the memory of the army of Jihad which will hunt them, They will find no mercy as the army nears them, with every taken stride.

Oh Ummah of Islam rise to that which gave you life and be Raised, Work to return the ruling and honour to Islam. Do not fear from the Damned, for remember Allah’s Promise After the hardship, there will be ease and there will be calm.


Freelance Activist

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